Common Questions | FAQs - Reader Questions

Where do you get your ideas?
Lots of my ideas come from dreams, often scary ones! I tend to sleep quite lightly and often wake up with a good idea for a book. Unfortunately, if I don’t write it down there and then I find by the time I wake up properly, I’ve forgotten the dream. I also tend to get ideas when I’m relaxing and ‘away from it all’, especially near the ocean.

How long does it take you to write a book?
That depends on what the book is and whether I’m working on it full time or not. To date, I’ve worked in the corporate field while writing books, and it’s generally taken me about 9-18 months to write a first draft, depending on whether I've been working part time or full time.

What does it take to be an author?
Perseverance. Most people think it’s only about talent, but it’s not. Writing is a craft that you’re continually refining. Not many authors get their first book published (or their second or third for that matter) so you have to persevere, despite multiple rejections from agents and publishers. That’s the toughest part. You also need self-discipline, and loads of it. You have to be able to sit down at your computer and make time to write. In the early days when your book is a ‘sideline’, you have to put other things (like your social life and TV!) on the back burner. Focus.

Hi there, I am currently reading, and loving, Body Count. Are your second and third novels available in the UK?
I'm afraid at the moment Body Count is my only novel available in the UK. My second novel, The Murderers' Club, will be released in June 2008 and the third novel in early 2009 (more details to come). Anita, London, UK

Just finished two of your books and really enjoyed reading them. I'm curious, are you a male or female? I feel you write from a woman's viewpoint, am I right? Hope you enjoy writing as much as we enjoy reading them!
Always such an interesting topic - can you tell the sex of an author from their writing style alone? The answer is yes, I am a woman (good pick). There's a photo of me in the About section. Bev Dowdell, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia.

You have some wonderful ideas I have read Body Count and am intending to get your next few books (Murderers' Club, Fan Mail). Where did these ideas come from of an Australian Profiler who has psychic abilities?
Hi Caitie! I was always interested in psychology and ended up studying it at uni. At the same time, I was also interested in criminal law and criminal behaviour. I married the two interests together with my love of writing, and realised my ideal main character would be a profiler/forensic psychologist. Once I started researching profiling, I discovered the FBI had done a lot of work in this area from the 1970s and had a dedicated unit - the Behavioral Analysis Unit. So I decided to set my books in the US and the FBI, but my character was always an Aussie in my head. As for the psychic stuff - that's based on a dream I had. See the bottom of my Body Count page. Caitie, Queensland, Australia

Can't get enough of these novels, a brilliant Australian author. Impossible to put down! Where would I find Meaner than Fiction?
Thanks for the compliments! You should be able to find (or order) Meaner than Fiction in most bookstores. It's also available in Target and K-Mart. Happy reading! Caroline Fagan - Rockhampton - Qld - Australia

I just happend to read your first book - Body Count. Are your books available in Malaysia?
Hi Caroline. You can get my books in Malaysia, but you'll need to specifically order them from your local bookstore. They'll then be shipped from Australia! Hope you can get a hold of The Murderers' Club and Fan Mail. Phillipa Caroline, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Loved Loved BODY COUNT.....can we, in USA get The Murderers' Club?
So glad you liked Body Count, Darlene! The Murderers' Club will be coming out in the USA and Canada on 1 December 2007. Not too much longer! Darlene, Baraboo, WI USA

How long do you hope to carry on the Sophie Anderson series?
That's a tough one! I'll keep writing Sophie books for as long as people want to read about Sophie and her cases. I've got quite a few ideas lined up for future books - about ten so far - so hopefully at least ten books. Demi Gonzalez, Jupiter, Fl, United States

What gave you the ideas for you Sophie Anderson novels?
The first book, Body Count, is actually based on a dream I had many years ago. See the bottom of the Body Count page for more information. From there, I based the books on my main character and her work as a profiler. The idea for each particular book comes from different places - such as research and dreams...and other ideas just pop into my head from nowhere in particular. Demi Gonzalez, Jupiter, Fl, United States

I will be honest with you, I haven't read any of your books yet, but I hope to in the near future. But what I can read about them and YOU, I know I will like your books. The reviews are super. I love to read about Australian True Crime, you have some awesome writers in Australia. Where can I get a copy of "Meaner than Fiction"? Is it available here in the States yet? Are all of your books available here in the US now? Alot of questions, sorry about that, but I am very anxious to get started on reading your books as soon as possible. You seem to be one TERRIFIC writer! Thanks. Grandma591
Hi Diane, Thanks for the question! You can order Meaner than Fiction online from an Australian bookstore, but it would be very expensive - books are much more expensive here than the US. Meaner than Fiction retails at $24.95. Plus you'd have to pay shipping! Your local bookstore could probably do an overseas order too. However, my novels are published in the US, so you can buy them in the States at regular prices. Body Count is available in paperback and hardback, and The Murderers' Club is currently available in hardback with the paperback due out in November 2008. My third book, Fan Mail, will be available in the US in May 2009. Hope this helps! Diane Meyer Shenandoah USA

Hi PD, I've read your first two books, Body Count and The Murderers' Club, but have not yet read Fan Mail. I was just wondering whether the situation at the end of the second book gets resolved later on?
Hi Isabella, Two posts asking a similar question within a week...Fan Mail does answer many questions! And unlike Kelsey in America, you can go out and buy Fan Mail now and get the full story. Isabella Lin, Melbourne, Australia

Hi Miss\Mrs.(?)Martin, I just wanted to let you know what a sweet read Mclub was!!! I let my 12 year old daughter pick out books for me now and then just for the fun of it and she usually finds me some good ones but yours was one of the best so far. To be honest though, I didnt go into it that excited because the cover was kinda "blah" but I'm glad I gave it a chance cause it was great! I'm getting Body Count tomorrow and I cant wait to read it!!! My question is in regards to Fan mail, and when it will be available in the U.S.. I've read the FAQS section but it gives conflicting dates so was wondering when exactly will it be available? Thanks for your time I'm sure your a very busy person and thanks for the great storytelling.
Hi Jerome. So glad you enjoyed The Murderers' Club! And I hope you like Body Count just as much. Interesting about the cover - I really like it! But book covers are such a personal thing and what appeals to one person won't appeal to another. Fan Mail has been confirmed as a July 2009 release in the US and Canada. And that'll be a mass market paperback. Sorry about my mix up with dates! (Oh, and I am married, but I use my maiden name, so I usually go by Ms!) Jerome Chavez, Parma, Ohio

I've been waiting and waiting for your third book to come. You're a fantastic writer. Keep them coming. Please!
Hi Joanne. Not much longer now...only two weeks until Fan Mail is available in Australia! That's 1 February 2008. And I'm working on book 4 at the moment and intend to keep them coming. Joanne, Sydney, Australia

I live in Cairns, I have read The Murderers' Club and loved it and I am now desperately seeking your first book Body Count, but I cannot find it in any book store where will I find it? I love these kinds of books - very gripping.
Hi Karlie - any bookstore will be able to order Body Count in for you, although it may take a week or two. Certainly, the bookshop where you bought The Murderers' Club will be able to get it in stock. Glad you liked The Murderers' Club and happy reading! Karlie Sherrington, Cairns, Australia

I LOVED both Body Count and The Murderers' Club. I'm in the US so Fan Mail has yet to come out here (and I can't wait!). Is the killer from The Murderers' Club going to come back? The ending just screams that he's coming back, but is he?
Hi Kelsey, So glad you enjoyed my first two books. I don't want to post any spoilers, but I will say that any questions raised in The Murderers' Club will be answered in Fan Mail. Kelsey, Maryland, USA

Do you believe in psychic ability? And what gave you the idea to combine psychic ability and profiling (great idea by the way)?
I do believe in psychic ability, however in terms of actual psychics I think there are a lot of people who claim to have this gift but don't. I believe psychic ability is another sense, but one that most people aren't aware of and/or haven't developed fully. I can't remember exactly what gave me the idea to combine psychic ability with profiling - but I am certainly very interested in both these areas! Lauren MacKenzie, Melbourne, Australia

Just recently discovered your books and I'm hooked. Anxiously waiting Fan Mail. Thank you for many wonderful hours of reading.
Thanks, Linda! It's great to know you're enjoying Sophie! Fan Mail is a July 2009 release - sorry about the wait :) Linda DiMezza, Wayne, New Jersey, USA

Why do different countries have different covers for the same books ??
Good question! In part, it's due to different publishers. My publisher here in Australia (Pan Macmillan) hires/pays someone to design the cover. If my US publisher (MIRA) wanted to use that cover, they'd need to buy it from Pan Macmillan rather than using their usual designers and in-house designers. However, I have the same publisher in US/Canada and UK/Ireland, yet they have different covers. Each editorial team briefs their designers to create a cover to appeal to their target market. Theory is, the cover that appeals to an Aussie, won't appeal to an American, or Briton. Meg Fowler - Sydney-Australia

I have enjoyed ready both books Body Count and The Murderers's Club, looking forward to the next book. When will this one be coming out?
Glad you enjoyed my first two books, Sandie. Book 3, Fan Mail, will be available in the US and Canada in December 2008. Sandie, San Jose, California

Is there any way of getting a copy of your short story Missing that appeared in the Aust Womens Weekly? I am having trouble tracking down a copy. Your books are brilliant - great to see an Aussie writer producing such brilliant crime stories (with a great twist)!
Hi Sharon, Have you tried your local library? Many libraries stock past issues of magazines and newspapers, so give that a go. Othewise, ring Women's Weekly and see if they can send you out a copy - it's the March 2006 edition. Sharon, Sydney, Australia

Hi PD. Love your books. I'm only into your second book 'The Murderer's Club', but I have already bought the third one because I just know I'm going to love it. =) My question is when will your fourth book be coming out in Aussie land?
Hi Sheree, So glad you're enjoying my Sophie books! I'm working on the fourth book at the moment, titled The Killing Hands. It's scheduled for a 1 February 2009 release. You can sign up for web updates (don't worry, I don't send out that many!) and then I'll send you an email notification with an advance look at the front cover too! Phillipa Sheree, Sunbury, Aussie Land

I have read Body Count and The Murderer's Club and really enjoyed both of them. One thing bothers me though...an objective case pronoun should be used as the object of a preposition. Several books I have read this summer, including both of yours, have made this grammatical error throughout the book. i.e. Is the physical attraction between Darren and I that obvious? "Me" should be used instead of "I." Don't mean to be picky; just a pet peeve. Thanks.
Hi Sheri, I'm afraid you're not the first person to point this error out to me! I believe it's been corrected for the paperback version of The Murderers' Club in the US and I've definitely fixed it for book 3, Fan Mail. Sheri, USA

Hi there I have just finished Body Count and loved it. I was just wondering if this is the first novel or the second as I see Daren Carter is mentioned in The Murderers' Club, but thought Sophie met him in Body Count. Confused!
Hi Sue, Body Count is the first novel - when Sophie meets Darren. But he makes a comeback in The Murderers' Club. Sue, NSW

Will Sophie and Darren get together in the third book?
Wouldn't it spoil the fun of the third book if you knew the answer? Sorry, my lips are sealed. Suzanne , Cork, Ireland

I am a fan of Karin Slaughter, Tess Gerritsen and Kathy Reichs, and I'm loving Body Count! Which other crime fiction writers do you read and enjoy?
Hi Tony. My favourites are Val McDermid (from your part of the world!), Kathy Reichs and Ian Rankin. I also enjoy Janet Evanovich's books for a lighter, fun read. And so glad you're enjoying Body Count! Tony Gilbert, Stonehaven, Scotland

Praise for Body Count
"...the intense first-person narration has enough twists and turns to keep forensics fans turning the pages."
Publishers Weekly