Over the years, I’ve created numerous banners for AICF to stand on either side of the cross behind the pulpit. It all started with the 2010 banners I made to go along with the website redesign that year. The full banner collection is below:
2018 Acts Banners

2017 Romans Banners

2016 All About Jesus Banners

2015 Christmas

2015 Easter Banners

2013-2015 Matthew Banners

2015 Verse 2015 Prayers 2013 Verse 2013-2014 Prayers
2012 Christmas
Click here to see my portfolio entry about this event. These banners were made entirely by hand and out of felt.

2012 Easter
Click here to see my portfolio entry about this event.

2012 Evangelism Banners

Initially, I didn’t know what size to create the banners at so these banners are disproportionate to what was actually printed. I came to learn later that a typical banner size in Korea is 60cm x 180cm, so these were stretched by the print company to meet those measurements.
Horizontal Banners

The first three matching designs above were given to me to improve upon. I felt that the simple black and white with big typography was easiest to read from the street, and the fourth design (on the bottom) resulted from that.
2010 Banners