Antioch Church

Jeonju, South Korea

AICF Prayer for the Nations

A Place To Pray.

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Pray for the Nations

Current Nation

May 11-25, 2008



Background Information

    For centuries China stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences, but in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation. 

    After World War II, the Communists under MAO Zedong established an autocratic socialist system that, while ensuring China's sovereignty, imposed strict controls over everyday life and cost the lives of tens of millions of people. 

    After 1978, leaders focused on market-oriented economic development and by 2000 output had quadrupled. For much of the population, living standards have improved dramatically and the room for personal choice has expanded,.

   Christianity is growing rapidly. Churches still need to be registered under the Communist Party, but they have the freedom to worship together. Some of the house churches who refuse to register are having a little more difficulty.  

Fast Facts

~    China is the third largest state in the world. 1 in 5 people live in China, and in the last quarter century china has become a economic global powerhouse, and the standard of living is increasing.

~    China has one of the worlds oldest continuous civilizations consisting of states and cultures dating back thousands of years. It also has the worlds longest continuously used language systems.

~    1949 marked the time of “Cultural Revolution” under political leader Chairman Mao. Anything opposed to the communist party was removed. That included religious freedom. Over 20 million people lost their lives during this time. The ramifications are still apparent today.  


Answers to Prayer

~    Praise God that right now the church in China is growing rapidly. It publishes the most Bibles in the word, and the number of Christians out number some of the more modernized countries.

~    The growth of the Church in China since 1977 has no parallels in history. The 1,266,000 Protestant members and 1.8 mill. affiliates in 1949 had become 17m members and maybe 26m affiliates in 2000 as well as a much larger uncounted, but estimated, 45m house church Christians.  

~    The fruitfulness of Christian radio and the remarkable faith of those who broadcast into China for years with little visible evidence of a response – that evidence is now plain to see.

~    The Internet is creating extraordinary new openings for evil and for good – the latter in providing discipleship and leadership development materials. 

Challenges for Prayer

~    Due to the growth, China is in need of Church leaders. Training is needed to mentor and disciple the Christians there.

~    There is a large House church movement. They have received more persecution for not being registered with the Communist Party. Pray for leaders, spiritual unity, strength, evangelism and vision for these churches.
~    There is a large number of people who have not heard the gospel, as well as a large need for people to reach out to the 25 million Muslim people in China. 

Further Information

~    For a more detailed look at China check out Operation World

| 05.17.2008 | Operation World

Last Fortnight

April 13-May 11, 2008

North Korea

As South Korea's closest neighbor, geographically and historically, and because the future of South Korea is heavily dependant on North Korea, which is facing political crisis, we will pray for North Korea in May.

Next Fortnight

May 11-25, 2008


Japan is another neighboring country of Korea, and the longest history with Korea, a history that has often been troubling.  We hope and pray that Korea and Japan's ties further strengthen in the near future.