Antioch Church

Jeonju, South Korea

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A Place To Learn.

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The Voiceless Cries

May 11, 2008 - Sunday Sermon

Sunday morning sermons by Pastor Bill Vorhees. Subscribe to our podcast, listen online, or download the MP3.

This week's lesson from John 4:43-54.....LISTEN NOW

| 05.26.2008 | Listen Now | Print |

We Have Heard for Ourselves

May 4, 2008 - Sunday Sermon

Sunday morning sermons by Pastor Bill Vorhees. Subscribe to our podcast, listen online, or download the MP3.

This week's lesson from John 4:27-42.....LISTEN NOW

| 05.26.2008 | Listen Now | Print |

Accepting the Outcast

April 20, 2008 - Sunday Sermon

Sunday morning sermons by Pastor Bill Vorhees. Subscribe to our podcast, listen online, or download the MP3.

This week's lesson from John 4:15-26.....LISTEN NOW

| 05.26.2008 | Listen Now | Print |


March 25, 2008 - Email Letter from Pastor Bill Vorhees

In this post-modern era, the ideals of harmony and uniformity are foreign notions. We live in an era of individualism where the precision, and unity of a military drill squad is viewed as archaic and outmoded. However, there is a great value in this kind of military precision. A beautiful example of such uniformity is the US Marine Corp Silent Drill Platoon. These men march in perfect time.....READ MORE

| 03.25.2008 | Read more | Print |

Loneliness and the Divine Invitation

March 8, 2008 - Pastor Bill Vorhees

One of the most comforting truths of Scripture is what I like to think of as the Divine invitation. Often in Scripture, God makes his appeal to his people at a certain time and in a certain circumstance. Here David calls out to God at a time of desperation. The circumstances are such that David is surrounded by his enemies, and he sees himself to be soon engulfed by them....READ MORE

| 03.08.2008 | Read more | Print |


Rights of Fair Use

These sermons are the property of the pastors who preach them. However, they are posted here on the web for your personal reading and growth. You are granted permission to copy, download, and distribute these sermons freely in part or in whole as long as you: 1) do not modify the content in any way, 2) cite the author and url.

Audio Recordings

Sunday Sermons

Bill has been recording his sermons on his laptop and preparing them for the web. We've made an iTunes podcast, and uploaded the MP3s for your listening and downloading pleasure. 

Additionally, at some point we may be getting video of the Sunday morning services.