Antioch Church

Jeonju, South Korea

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March 25, 2008

"Live in harmony with one another. 

Do not be proud, but be willing to 

associate with people of low position. 

Do not be conceited." 

(Romans 12:16, NIV)

Hamony (Source:

1.    agreement; accord; harmonious                     relations.
2.    a consistent, orderly, or pleasing                     arrangement of parts; congruity.
3.    Music.     

        a.    any simultaneous combination of tones.
        b.    the simultaneous combination of tones, esp. when blended into chords pleasing to the ear;                         chordal structure, as distinguished from melody and rhythm.
        c.    the science of the structure, relations, and practical combination of chords.
4.    an arrangement of the contents of the Gospels, either of all four or of the first three, designed to                 show their parallelism, mutual relations, and differences.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

In this post-modern era, the ideals of harmony and uniformity are foreign notions. We live in an era of individualism where the precision, and unity of a military drill squad is viewed as archaic and outmoded. However, there is a great value in this kind of military precision. A beautiful example of such uniformity is the US Marine Corp Silent Drill Platoon. These men march in perfect time, to a single beat, all the while twirling heavy rifles with sharp bayonets flying within inches of their faces. An off-beat Marine will cause injury or death to a fellow Marine. What better example of harmony.

Like the US Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon, we, the church of Christ, are called to be characterized by such harmony. If you saw the video, you've noticed that there is no platoon leader calling out orders. That's because every man in the platoon has been so well trained that he hears his commanders voice in his head. in the same way, the church is so much in tune with Jesus Christ, that Paul says, "We have the mind of Christ." Each of those marines is an individual when he is out of uniform. However, he knows that donning that uniform means that he is no longer an individual, but that he is a part of a team. He has been entrusted with the lives of his fellow Marines, and he has entrusted his life to them. As a team, they know only one beat--the beat they march to. As Christians we march to a different beat--the beat of our Savior's heart.

Over the past few months Jeonju Antioch Church has gone through a large-scale restructuring. We have adopted Open Cell Group structure. I feel that this was a brave decision on Pastor Park's part. Like him, I recognized that the majority of the people of Jeonju Antioch Church were suffering for a lack of spiritual maturity. As Senior Pastor, he took the initiative, with the cooperation of the pastoral staff, and the administrative staff, to change our church completely around in order to create a system that will develop spiritual growth and maturity on a large scale.

The transition has been made and is now in effect. During this time of transition, the church has gone through many changes. By and large, AICF has felt very little of the impact of these changes. Except, one.

About two weeks ago I sent out a memo notifying you that the church had decided to change our worship time. At the time, for the sake of unity and harmony of the church, I had decided that I would not contest the decision. However, I was in communication with Pastor Park about the effect of the decision upon AICF. There were difficulties for some members of AICF leadership and praise team. After considering these factors, the elders have decided to allow us to return to our original time of 10:30 A.M.

The Elders of the church were very apologetic for the negative effects it had on our ministry, and they are supportive of AICF. I want to thank our elders for their humility in serving the Lord. I want to thank them also for their support of AICF. Their humble love and concern for AICF is confirmation that for many foreigners throughout Jeonju, AICF is a place to call home.

This Sunday (March 30) we will begin worship at 11:40. I will make the announcement regrading the time change. Then, on April 6, we will return to worship at 10:30.

I thank each of you for your prayers and cooperation as we seek to establish and uphold harmony throughout the church.

In Him, by Him, for Him,
Bill Vorhees, Pastor of Foreign Ministries
Jeonju Antioch Presbyterian Church

전주안디옥교회 561-805 전북 전주시 덕진구 금암2동 1593-8
Church Office: (063)274-3228, Fax. 253-4198

Jeonju Antioch Church
1593-8 Geumam 2-dong, Dukjin Gu, Jeonju City, Korea.

| 03.25.2008 | Contact Pastor Bill | Print |