Jeonju, South Korea
A Place To Call Home.
Serving the international Jeonju
through fellowship and worship services.
For a more in depth look at our beliefs, read Understanding the Gospel.
The Bible alone is the inspired Word of God, and is therefore, authoritative for the revelation of God, redemption of fallen man, and for an obedient walk in Christ.
There is but only one God who exists in three persons--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He alone is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Creator, Sustainer and Redeemer.
Man is utterly sinful and corrupt in his nature so that he can do nothing to redeem himself from his sinful nature. This sinful nature is common to all men of all time, and is the result of the fallen nature that was brought into the world through our father, Adam.
The consequences of man's fallen nature is judgment in hell. Hell is a place of eternal punishment from which there is no escape or rescue apart from Jesus Christ.
Is the eternal Son of the eternal Father. He was born through the virgin Mary, taking on the nature of man so that he is now fully God and fully man. His two natures are neither to be separated nor confused as half-and-half.
Jesus Christ suffered in place of fallen man so that through his death and resurrection, sinful man is rescued from sin and judgment. He has paid the full price for our sins so that by faith and repentance, fallen man can be reconciled to God for eternity.
Is an act of God's work in sinful man. In order to be saved, we must be justified through the merits of Christ alone. This work of God rescues fallen man by God's grace alone through our faith in Christ's death and resurrection. In order to receive God's gift of salvation, fallen man must repent and place his faith in Jesus Christ.
Whereas Jesus Christ came into the world to save fallen man by laying down his life to make atonement and justify fallen man, Christ will return again to judge the world of sin. We do not know what day or hour that day will come, but we are admonished by the Scriptures to be ready.
Whereas Jesus Christ proceeds from the Father, the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son. It is He who regenerates, sanctifies and glorifies fallen man. When we are saved, the Holy Spirit remains with each believer to teach obedience to Christ, and to be conformed to the image of Christ. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit fills all believers with power to testify before the world of the Good News of Christ.
Is the community of God's redeemed people who have been called out of the world by faith and repentance in Jesus Christ. It is universal in that it constitutes all believers through all time, and it is local in that it constitutes a community of believers serving Christ in the world.
| 03.12.2008 |